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Fitness New Years Resolutions.

Are You Making This Mistake with Fitness Goals?

Don’t wait until January 1st to start working towards your goals.

Start making changes in your life today.

When January 1st rolls around, you will either look back with regret wishing you had started today or you will be happy with the progress you’ve made.

You’re going to look back at the last three months, the holidays, the time with family, the time off work, and think about how much farther along you could be if you had put in a little work each day or marvel at how far you’ve come.

The beginning of a new year isn’t going to magically cause a monumental shift in your life. It’s actually just another day.

But you can create that monumental shift for yourself today.

You can choose to start taking small actions that will move you closer towards your goal TODAY.

By starting now, you will put yourself ahead of 99% of the people around you.

You will be among 1% of the most successful people in the world who realize every day is an opportunity to move closer towards their goals.

And here’s the great news.

It doesn’t have to be hard.

All it takes to be ahead of almost everyone around you is making the choice to be.

Make the decision to start now and you will be so much happier when the first of the year rolls around.  

If you want help with a method to constantly making progress towards your goals, here’s a unique goal setting method that actually works.

And, when it does come time to set New Year’s resolutions, what mental state would you rather be in? Would you rather be setting them after having stumbled through the last 3 months doing just enough to get by and constantly looking to the future? Or would you rather be setting goals from an upward trajectory having made significant progress?

How much different would the goals and resolutions you set for yourself be?

How much different would your life be?  

The next 3 months is going to pass whether you work towards your goals or not.

Start today. You will be so much happier you did.


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